Another hymn to Vavilov. Amen

Hard on the heels of the 99 per cent Invisible podcast on Svalbard comes another once-over-lightly on NI Vavilov. A book by photographer Mario del Curto documents the genebank in St Petersburg and the legacy of its founder. A review of the book is mostly fine and dandy, although I do take issue with this image.

The caption reads “Sunflower plant at the Kuban research station (from Seeds of the Earth: The Vavilov Institute, © Mario Del Curto)”.

Can that possibly be correct?

Jobs available

Fancy blasting plants with mutation-inducing atomic rays? Good news just in from our friend Norman Warthmann, who recently joined the Plant Breeding and Genetics Laboratory of the FAO/IAEA joint Division in Vienna, Austria. They have two fairly high-level job openings. I can’t actually find the vacancy notices on the site, but I’m sure if you email Norman, he’ll send them to you.

Good luck.

LATER: One of the jobs is as a plant breeder.