- Transport infrastructure needs diversity too.
- The cases against organics and for GMOs. Deal with it.
- [T]he flower looks like an anemic canary spit out by a cat. Deal with it.
- The mapood is becoming rare in Thailand. Deal with it.
COP9 on the web
Don’t forget IISD has daily coverage of COP9 from Bonn. Meanwhile, in Rome, a grand time was had by all at International Day for Biodiversity event organized by Bioversity International at the Teatro Eliseo. It was a great celebration of diversity — biological, cultural, culinary and musical.
Nibbles: Maize, CWRs, CBD, Icelandic food, Coffee, Incense, Biodiversity Day, Medicinals, Farmers’ rights
- The history of tejate in Mexico illuminates “central irony of globalization.” Cheers!
- WWF says crop wild relatives and landraces in centres of diversity are threatened. Right.
- Danny Hunter reports along much the same lines from COP9, and then reports some more. Such a workhorse!
- The intricacies of Nordic food preparation. Would you say this was cooked, Jeremy?
- Today’s how-x-changed-the-world story brought to you by coffee. Great after rotten shark too.
- Frankincense is good for you. Hippies comment at length.
- Jeremy earns his keep.
- TRAFFIC promotes project ‘Saving Plants that Save Lives and Livelihoods’ at COP9, including with video.
- And the websites just keep on coming. One on Farmers’ Rights launched too.
Convention on Biological Diversity
I don’t suppose anyone needs reminding, but COP 9 is on in Bonn, and agricultural biodiversity is on the menu. You can watch some of it online if you’re not there in person. But if you’re there, and something interesting happens, do let us know! Oh, and of course this Thursday is International Day for Biological Diversity, and the theme is Biodiversity and Agriculture.
Nibbles: Global Food, Aid, Nettles, Women, Aquaculture, Education
- Remember those photos of global families’ food? The creators answer questions.
- Speaking of funding, an analysis of aid for agriculture published January 2008.
- CABI blogger pushes Nettle Awareness Week. Quite right too.
- “The men don’t know how to sell, they’ll give up the potatoes for next to nothing.“
- Vietnamese pangassius farmers up in arms. Yeah I never heard of it either, but I’ll be looking for it in the market out of solidarity .
- How to involve children in gardening.