Tri-Societies meeting programme revealed

The programme for the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings in November is up. The genetic resources sessions look very solid, as ever. And the prestigious Calvin Sperling Memorial Lecture is to be given by our friend, colleague and occasional contributor Robert Hijmans on a topic we’ve blogged about often here, climate change and agrobiodiversity.

Agrobiodiversity gets new blogger!

The more eagle-eyed among you may have noticed, looking at the byline of the previous post, that we have a new regular contributor. He’s Robert Hijmans, and he has in fact written for us before, most memorably his tour-de-force liveblogging from the recent Harlan II Symposium. Welcome to the team, Robert.

Harlan II, day 4

From a very tired and emotional Robert Hijmans. Previously…. No domestication without relaxation. Today was excursion day at the Harlan II symposium.  All to the Napa wineries you’d think, but no, there were not enough registrants for that. ((Editor’s note: Excuse me?)) But there was a  tour of  the Charles Rick Tomato Genebank and a …