We got a very polite email from a robot recently, asking us to write an unbiased review of a website in exchange for money, or a free sample of the goods the site was flogging. We took a look, but we couldn’t see any possible link to agricultural biodiversity, so we turned down the nice robot’s offer. But it set us thinking. If we’re that popular, should we put a discreet advert above (or below) our most recent post? Should we have a Tip Jar so all you happening types with PayPal accounts can micro-reward us? Maybe an Amazon wish list? Recalling, however, that we live to serve you, our readers, we thought we’d ask you directly. So there’s a new poll, over there on the right. Vote early, and vote often. You have (about) a week. You can also comment on this post if you feel the poll options are unduly constraining.
I think you should feel perfectly within your right to post small discreet and relevant ads. Ofcourse some will discourage this, but they do not know the tremendous amount of effort that goes into hosting a blog that comes largly unrewarded. I use Google adsense, which allows me to controll where I place the ads, what they look like (color, shape, size and content). No one has to click on them if they dont want to, and you wont likely make a fortune, but every bit helps. I also have an adsense search tool that finds content on my website and on others, if people click on the other websites I get ad revenue from that as well. Everyone wins this way. I have considered the tip jar, but I dont think I will go that route. Also, I have been looking into Amazon’s affiliate program, which allows you to put together a book list. If anyone buys a book on your list through your website you get a cut. It also sounds like an everyone wins situation. Anyways, I hope I was of some help. Stop by my blog and say hi some time.
You could accept tips in produce. Seeds?
If I had a garden, I would …