New decade, newish look

There’ve been problems with our server. Those have been fixed, I think, but our old look is thoroughly broken as a result. I’m working on restoring some of that functional goodness. Bear with me.

p.s. Almost everything is back and working, but I need to work on the styling. Please let me know if you miss anything or something isn’t working.

Happy New Year

Yes, we’re back from the holidays, fully energized ((Easy, tiger. Ed.)) and with a gargantuan helping of Nibbles to get your new year started the right way. There’s a Brainfood coming too, in the next day or two, before it goes back to its usual schedule of first thing Monday next week. Let us know if you came across anything during the past couple of weeks that we missed and you’d like to share with others interested in all thing agrobiodiverse. And don’t forget we tweet this sort of stuff all the time, even from the beach.

Unripe #kenya #beach #pandanus

A photo posted by Luigi Guarino (@ggguarino) on

And we’re back!

Yes, yes, I know. We haven’t blogged in a long time, and didn’t put up our usual notice that we’d be idle over the holidays. Stuff just caught up with us. But we’re back in the saddle now, and normal service will be resumed just as soon as we clear our respective backlogs.