Nibbles: GIPB, NPGS, Dogs for conservation, Harare gardens, Goat milk value added, Equator Prize, Humanitarian relief, Peruvian maize, Pseudo-cereals, Katine, Vavilov goes web 2.0, Travel, Haggis ban, African road datasets, Dyes, Adaptation pix, Baltic, AnGR, Jatropha

GIPB revamps its website. Knowledge Resource Centre is ver. 4.0, no less. US National Plant Germplasm System explained to Canadians. Why? They have their own! Armadillo sniffing dogs. More urban farming in Zimbabwe. Interesting stuff you can make with goat milk. Who do you like for Equator Prize 2010? Avatar? No, wait, that’s something else. …

Bringing together researchers and breeders

It all started with a bravura Annals of Botany blog post from Pat Heslop Harrison from a scientific conference in Assisi: “Italian Genetics Societies in Assisi: staple foods and orphan crops via epigenomics and systems biology.” That got posted to Facebook, where I commented on it by extracting what I found a particularly trenchant sentence: …