Brainfood: PGRFA prioritization, Endangerment value, Geo-genetic visualization tool, USDA quinoa collection, Wild sesame conservation, USDA genebanks & climate change, Clover genetic changes, Collecting Comoros cassava, Sunflower breeding history, Durum breeding, Rice genebank tools

Prioritizing Colombian plant genetic resources for investment in research using indicators about the geographic origin, vulnerability status, economic benefits, and food security importance. Out of 345 species, 25 were high priority, including 15 potatoes, 3 tomatoes, 2 tree tomatoes, pineapple, cocoa, papaya, yacon and coffee. Quantifying Endangerment Value: a Promising Tool to Support Curation Decisions. …

Nibbles: Diets, Millet seedbank, Healthy rice, Kazakh genebank, Decentralized seeds, Planet Local, White sage, White olive, Talangana collecting, Nature-based, Italian food, Citron, Indian quinoa, Crop expansion

And…we’re back! Nice new infographics derived from that classic paper “Increasing homogeneity in global food supplies and the implications for food security.” Video on a millet community seedbank in India. I hope all these healthy Indian rices are in seedbanks somewhere, community or otherwise. Kazakhstan is getting a new genebank, and I don’t mean a …

Brainfood: Neodomestication, Millet diets, OFSP, Fruits, Okra core, Floating gardens, Quinoa evaluation, Bean cooking, Neolithic, Lychee genome, Climate change, European maize double

Scaling up neodomestication for climate-ready crops. Ok, but when is enough enough? Can Feeding a Millet-Based Diet Improve the Growth of Children? — A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Yes. So maybe make the most of the crops we already have? Does vitamin A rich orange-fleshed sweetpotato adoption improve household level diet diversity? Evidence from Ghana …

Brainfood: Mapping double, Niche modelling, CGIAR impacts, Pathogen genebank, Data stewardship, Breeding tradeoffs, Organic vs conventional, Agronomic trials, Teff evaluation, Eggplant genetic resources, Quinoa phenotyping

Conservation needs to break free from global priority mapping. Couldn’t agree more. And less. National climate and biodiversity strategies are hamstrung by a lack of maps. Wait, what? The evolutionary genomics of species’ responses to climate change. You need to combine niche modelling with genetic adaptation to get the best maps. Payoffs to a half …

Nibbles: Apple diversity, Quinoa diversity, Potato diversity, Indian coconut, Mead recipe

The need to diversify apple breeding. Unlikely pean to the world quinoa core collection. I believe we may have blogged about it. And the Commonwealth Potato Collection rounds off today’s trifecta of cool genebanks. Kerala’s coconut problems only start with root wilt. Aren’t there coconut collections that could be used to solve them? Well of …