Were you inspired by the International Year of Millets? Or indeed disappointed? Tell FAO all about it by filling in a quick survey.
Via the Millets Community of Practice.
Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog
Agrobiodiversity is crops, livestock, foodways, microbes, pollinators, wild relatives …
Were you inspired by the International Year of Millets? Or indeed disappointed? Tell FAO all about it by filling in a quick survey.
Via the Millets Community of Practice.
Rather than “too good to be true”, this scheme is too obvious to happen. Stakeholders, public or private, do due diligence, especially if the “flagship project”, “demonstration case” or “experiment” runs into the hundreds of millions of dollars. This is of public concern.
That’s from Prof. Joseph Henry Vogel in reply to a recent(ish) post on decoupled ABS for PGRFA. Read the whole critique here.