Maize in Africa

An article in the latest Economist discusses the Malawi fertilizer subsidy programme. There’s been a fair amount in the media about this lately, and in particular about whether the bumper maize harvests of the past couple of years can be attributed to the extra fertilizer ((Incidentally, there’s an interesting NY Times video on what the rising cost of fertilizers means for farmers in the US.)) now finding its way onto farmers’ fields increasingly sown to modern varieties, or just to better rains. I think the jury is still out on that one, but check out this statement from the piece in The Economist:

…local seed varieties, little altered from those first brought by the Portuguese centuries ago…

I don’t know about you, but I think that rather underestimates the power of natural selection, drift and recombination. Not to mention 500 growing seasons’ worth of painstaking selection by twenty generations of African farmers.

Cassava diversity 101

After hanging out with experts for three days here in Cali, this is what I think I know about cassava genetic diversity:

  • There’s a hotspot in Brazil, but Central America is pretty diverse too. Those two places are also where the wild species are most numerous. There is geneflow between wild and cultivated populations.
  • There’s little geographic structure within the New World diversity, except for Guatemalan material being way genetically distinct (and higher in protein to boot). Lots of geneflow, I guess.
  • The African material is less diverse than the American, but not much, and significantly distinct from it. Selection, and isolation.
  • Within Africa, the Nigerian material is somewhat distinct. In general, there is more geographic structure in Africa than in the Americas.
  • Asia received material historically from both Brazil (via Africa) and Mexico (via the Philippines), but there hasn’t been the differentiation there that is seen in Africa. There hasn’t been as much selection of natural hybrids in Asia as in Africa.
  • Weird mutants keep turning up, including “sugary cassava,” “ketchup cassava” (the pinkiness is due to lycopene), and amylose-free clones. 

Nibbles: Angola, Peas, Water, Root & tubers, Pollination, Coffee & chocolate, Worms

Uganda releases new soybean variety

A brief report on says that Ugandan scientists have released a new soybean variety known as MNG 8.10. The variety is resistant to a soybean rust (presumably not Asian soybean rust, or they’d be making a much bigger deal about it) and gives a yield of up to 2.5 tons per hectare.

That’s great news for the breeders and for Uganda’s soybean farmers. Just one churlish question; who will be eating the soybeans? Livestock in Uganda? Livestock in some other country? Or hungry Ugandans?