Mapping the fast food culture

Amid all the hype about Michelle Obama’s blitz on child obesity, USDA has come out with an interactive Food Environment Atlas, which has been much commented on in the blogosphere. Here’s what the distribution of fast food restaurants in the US looks like:

Coincidentally, Pete at PeteSearch has mined Facebook profile data and come up with this visualization of the connections among users:

Is it me, or there a coincidence between the maps? Here’s one of the things Pete says about the Nomadic West:

Starbucks is almost always the top fan page, maybe to help people stay awake on all those long car trips they must be making?

Geography is destiny?

Nibbles: Vet, Pastoralists, Eggplant, US food map, Mexican food, Poultry, Maize, GMOs

Nibbles: Sequencing, Agricultural origins, Mating systems, Tomato shelf-life, Beer vs Tea, Soy, Carrot, Seed processing, Screw-pine, Yams, Salicornia, Pollinators