Podcast on food as history

Guests Tom Standage, business affairs editor of The Economist and author of An Edible History of Humanity joined Eric Tagliacozzo, associate professor of history at Cornell University and author of Secret Trades, Porous Borders: Smuggling and States Along a Southeast Asian Frontier and award-winning culinary expert Julie Sahni, author of Classic Indian Cooking to discuss food as a driving force behind economic expansion, industrial development and geopolitical competition.

And you can listen to the podcast, courtesy of the American Museum of Natural History.

Nibbles: Orissa, Salatin, Economic impact, Olives, Food security, Lettuce, Chayote

Mapping European alcoholic diversity

A map over at Strange Maps seems to suggest that the most diverse place in Europe in terms of drinks traditions is the area where Hungary, Romania and Ukraine — and thus the wine, beer and vodka belts — meet. Check it out:

But is it true? Have any of our readers been there? And can they recall anything about the visit?