Nibbles: Kiwi breeding, Nagoya Protocol, ITPGRFA, Hablitzia, Eating insects, Patents, European forests, Native American foodways, Plant protein, Broken bread, Apples, Dog cartoon, Climate change & yields, Seed pix

Nibbles: Nepal earthquake, Vavilov visit, Conservation strategies, Insects & markets, Hydrid breeding, Women & agrobiodiversity, Indian minor crops, Wes Jackson, Drought tolerance, Wheat shindig, Industry support

Preserving the canon of taste

Fascinating article in Aeon magazine by Jill Neimark, exploring the role of specific, older varieties in the experience of taste. I won’t steal her thunder here, just urge you to read it. I will, however, cavil at one statement:

All commercial apples, including Granny Smiths, have been hybridised to a sugary monotone.

That’s simply not true, unless hybridised means something else in Georgia.

If they’re called Granny Smith, their genetics should be the same. If they taste dreadful from the supermarket, and astonishing picked up from a roadside stand “by a white-frame house on a curving, shady lane by Lake Allatoona,” that’s the result of nurture, not nature.

But please ignore my quibbles — and I have others — unless you agree that sometimes accuracy matters.

Nibbles: Summer holidays, Tajik bread, Farm to pizza, Västerbottensost, Diverse bananas, Banana wine, Chinese agroforestry, Peak coffee, Responsible oil palm, Model chickens, Damn you NS

Nibbles: Barley domestication, Apple pie, Mexican food & drink, CABI, Old seeds, IT