Featured: Cool potatoes

Isabel, possibly wearing a hat marked Policymaker, has this to say about sacred values:

I love Agata, the potato with French accent. In my view, the potatos represent a pretty accurate picture of a major part of the reality in Europe. Olivia, the farmer, doesn’t.

Featured: Banana export

Anne Vezina rails at banana taxonomists, and adds:

…the problem with exporting Misi Luki is that its skin bruises easily. While it’s true that local banana landraces are underutilized in general, it’s even truer of the bananas domesticated in the Pacific, which Misi Luki is not. The best known are the Maoli, Popoulu and Iholena bananas but the western Pacific is also host to a diversity of cultivars that have yet to be classified, much less evaluated for their export potential.

Featured: “To hell with soil and plant biodiversity”

Rahul Goswami likes the idea of calories delivered to the food system as a measure of productivity:

It’s high time we were liberated from that duo of malign trinities – the APY and the NPK. Area production yield is what government servants, accustomed to bland high-handedness, take recourse to when supplying ministers and macro-economists with material for annual planning, hence the longevity of APY. The other one is the close ally of APY, and its credo is “to hell with soil and plant biodiversity”.

With some references on the benefits of eating less meat.