Featured: Agroecology

Geoff Gurr takes issue with what he interprets as our sarcasm:

The ‘no, really’ comment could be taken as suggesting that there is no great surprise contained in the title ‘…crop diversification promotes ecological intensification of agriculture’. In fact, the idea that ecological approaches such as crop diversification can have the types of beneficial effects that we report is often challenged. Had word counts allowed our title to be longer we’d have liked to have extended it to say something like ‘to the extent that the need for synthetic inputs was reduced by two thirds whilst increasing crop yield’.

Though actually what we were trying to do is point out that his results reinforce those of other papers in this week’s Brainfood.

Featured: Data, data everywhere…

Cindy Cox of HarvestChoice sort of, kind of, maybe agrees with some parts of what we say in a recent post about the usability of data.

Although a new generation of development practitioners and analysts are increasingly taking advantage of so-called alternative data sources like we used in our paper, such resources are still underutilized in socio-economics. And without a story, data are meaningless.

Sure, and who has those stories? I suspect it’s not the people who can do the analysis.

Featured: Grasspea

There’s a lively conversation about grasspea going on.

With a better understanding of the population genetics of grasspea toxin metabolism in combination with adequate supplies of dietary sulfur amino acids, low toxin varieties may become obsolete as a breeding objective, so that breeders can focus more on yield.

Do join in.

Featured: MGIS

Max Ruas of Bioversity says they’re still working on the MGIS ordering system:

The availability of ITC material is only visible once you are logged into MGIS. If logged, then, for ITC accessions available for distribution, a tiny basket appears on top right corner of the passport data. I agree it is not perfect and we will continue to improve the friendliness of the web site in the next iterations, in addition of new features in preparation such as cross reference.

Looking forward to the new iteration. In the meantime, when can we expect MGIS data in Genesys?