Nibbles: Bean gap analysis, Protected areas 2.0, NZ livestock, French boar, Taro in Hawaii, UNEP, Moringa, False flax, Hordeum

Nibbles: Amazon agriculture, Livestock conservation, Chestnut redux, COP 10, Stone Age flour

Nibbles: Abalone, Yak, Forests, Mountain plants, Yams, Ulmus, Apple, Banana

Evergreen agriculture: crops and trees

What if growing maize under trees – really under trees, under the canopy – improved yields by 280 per cent? It did in Malawi. Even if this practice doesn’t translate well to developed world agriculture, the principles of Evergreen Agriculture can.

Matt at Muddy Green takes a look at Evergreen agriculture: crops and trees, a different kind of agroforestry. I’ve always imagined that agroforestry was more about alley cropping or the like, but this idea of planting under the trees seems rather interesting and rather successful, at least in places where the trees are bare during another crop’s growing season.

Nibbles: Heat, Pastoralism, Yams, Caimito, Pavlovsk, Beans, Tomatoes, Trees, Grasslands, Rice in LAC, Fossil sunflower, Apples, Fish in Africa