The pangenome is the new genome – Part Deux

Indeed it was “a hell of a day” (somewhat re-ordered compared to the above tweet thread):

  1. Multiple wheat genomes reveal global variation in modern breeding. Genomes of 10 cultivars from around the world’s breeding programmes and a few other things added to that of Chinese Spring.
  2. A haplotype-led approach to increase the precision of wheat breeding. The above and fancy maths used to spot novel, agronomically significant haplotypes in landrace collections. Here’s a Twitter thread from one of the authors with his insights on why the work is important.
  3. The barley pan-genome reveals the hidden legacy of mutation breeding. Genomes of 20 really diverse barley lines, including a wild relative, used to (among other things) find novel variants in 300 genebank accessions.
  4. Assessing the regulatory potential of transposable elements using chromatin accessibility profiles of maize transposons. Some transposable elements affect gene expression.
  5. GreenPhylDB v5: a comparative pangenomic database for plant genomes. Pan-pangenomes, kinda.

LATER: Had completely forgotten I had used that title before :) It’s the zeitgeist for sure. And here’s a nice primer on pangenomes.

LATER STILL: Maybe it’s been a good year for something.

Yes, there were lots of pangenomes in 2020:

  1. Soybean
  2. Apple
  3. Maize

Brainfood: Covid, Tropical trees, Tree GR, Brazil nut, Fair research, ICARDA, FIGS, Landraces, Evolutionary breeding, Range edges, Central Asia, Mixtures, Taro origins, Nigerian abattoirs, Aquaculture policy

Brainfood: Genebank technology, Genebank research, Apple genomes, Napier genome, Wheat genome, Blue maize, FACE, Pigeonpea diversity, Millet domestication, Ancient dogs, Ancient bovids, Domestication syndrome, Date pollen, Commons, Genetic diversity trifecta