Nibbles: Ancient oils, “AGRA”, Seed libraries, Tonka bean, MGIS, Wild Arachis

  1. Remember the book on ancient Mesopotamian cookery in the last Nibbles? Ok well here’s a website on Vegetable Oils And Animal Fats In Early Urban Societies Of Syro-Mesopotamia. Esoteric? Moi?
  2. To come back down to earth, you could always read this hot take on the AGRA rebranding.
  3. Couldn’t be more down to earth than community seedbanks, aka seed libraries.
  4. The seeds of Dipteryx odorata will make your head float.
  5. The latest news from the Musa Germplasm Information System may float your boat. It did mine. But I’m into esoterica, didn’t you know?
  6. Nothing esoteric about wild peanuts any more.

Brainfood: Indigenous crops, Indian vegetables, Local breeds, Wheat identity, Date names, Food security & heritage, Peruvian cuisine, Food sovereignty, Palestinian seeds, Tea culture, Sacred groves, Food system transformation, Diverse landscapes

Nibbles: Trevor Williams, ICRISAT genebank, Irish seedbank, Domestication video, COP27 genebank webinar, Pasturelands, Big Food report, Mesopotamian cooking

  1. The late Prof. Trevor Williams, one of the pioneers of genebanking, in the news.
  2. The President of Niger visits a genebank, makes the news.
  3. Irish seedbanking in the news.
  4. Dr Mark Chapman on how to study domestication using seeds in genebanks.
  5. COP27 webinar on using seeds in genebanks for climate change adaptation.
  6. Pasturelands: sometimes genebanks are not enough. Though even then I bet they can help.
  7. Big Food still not doing much to support genebanks, despite reports such as this.
  8. A book on ancient Mesopotamian cooking. Who can think of the best link to genebanks?

Nibbles: Edible Memory, Tomatomania, British apples, Turgovian pear, Climate & crops, Food systems buzzwords, NTBG jobs, World Food Day 2022

  1. Edible Memory for free, for a month. Heirloom tomatoes and more.
  2. Speaking of heirloom tomatoes… Tomatomania! The podcast. And the website.
  3. The ritual autumn BBC story on heirloom apples. Anyone for applemania?
  4. Would you settle for pearmania? Perrymania actually.
  5. Mania or no, crops have taken a hit this year.
  6. The truth behind some buzzwords in food systems discourse from IPES-Food. Spoiler alert: agroecologymania.
  7. Some cool breadfruit etc. jobs going in Hawaii at the National Tropical Botanical Garden.
  8. Kent Nnadozie has a pretty cool job at the Plant Treaty, here’s an interview with him on the occasion of World Food Day.

Nibbles: New cassava, Community seedbank double, Rwandan beans, Knotweed et al., Seed systems, Adam Alexander, Uruguay genebank, Kelp biobank

  1. There’s a new cassava in town in Kenya.
  2. I wonder if it will end up in a community “seed” bank.
  3. …because they swear by them in Zimbabwe.
  4. Cassava is not the only American crops that’s important in parts of Africa: the cultural appropriation of beans in Rwanda.
  5. Some American crops didn’t make it very far out of America.
  6. Be it beans, cassava or sump/knotweed, what’s needed is a Quality-Declared Seed (QDS) system. Right?
  7. Well you also need someone to go around collecting the stuff in the first place.
  8. But don’t forget to back everything up in Svalbard, like Uruguay is doing.
  9. Well maybe not everything.