Nibbles: Mapping species, Paddies, Duplicates in genebanks, Chinese mystery millet, Cherimoya, ITPGRFA, AnGR lectures, Bulgur, Heirloom apples

Nibbles: Mead, Treaty, Zoonoses, Flowery margins, Post-doc, Sacred Groves, Posters, Maize in Africa.

Central Asian melons

Melons by AudreyH
Melons a photo by AudreyH on Flickr.

Jeremy had one look at the map in the previous post and asked me whether it was possible that watermelon cultivation had collapsed in the Central Asia republics. Well, it has probably declined substantially, but clearly not entirely, as the photograph above suggests. You can read at length about the melons of Uzbekistan. And you can see below how things used to be, at least for other kinds of melons. Yes, old pictures of agrobiodiversity markets again.

Nibbles: Micronutrients, Population, Opium, Nixtamalization, Chocolate, Seed swap, Dog domestication, Meeting, Biofuel failure, Mesquite