- Indoor farms in Tokyo, growing a diversity of non-pot crops, to train yoof. Via.
- BBC News web site picks up on BBC World TV documentary on neglected species.
- The geography of sauce in South Carolina.
- India and Pakistan find something to agree on: basmati rice.
- Have we already mentioned this new book on bananas?
Roman agrobiodiversity on show
So I was at the Palazzo Massimo alle Terme to catch the Rosso Pompeiano exhibition, which was fine, and which I may blog about later, but details of two statues caught my eye among the permanent stuff on show — representing agrobiodiversity, of course. The statues are meant to symbolize different provinces of the empire. This one is supposed to be Thrace:
I guess the cereal is barley, but why the poppy seed capsule? And this one is supposed to be Egypt:
Now, the caption said this is a pomegranate, and I can see why that should be, but isn’t there something wrong with the top of the fruit? Shouldn’t the remains of the sepals be sort of more upright? Check out various other representations of the fruit to see what I mean. Anyway, I can’t imagine what else it might be. Except perhaps an opium poppy, especially when you compare it with the obviously more weedy poppy in the other statue. But both capsule and seed are too big. Of course, the “poppy” held by the representation of Thrace could in fact be a small pomegranate. In any case, I don’t understand why barley should somehow represent Thrace and pomegranates Egypt. I’ll look into it. Someone somewhere is bound to have written a thesis on botanical symbolism in Roman art.
History of lettuce
Romaine, the oldest lettuce…
Happy birthday, Charles
Let us not forget, that before The Origin and natural selection there was artificial selection; in other words, plant and animal breeding, mostly in the service of agriculture.
So, Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin. There’s a whole lot of stuff going on today, which has quite a history.
One more substantive link will do, to the Biodiversity Heritage Library‘s entry for today.
Oh no! Waylaid by Wikipedia I discover that today is also the anniversary of the Battle of the Herrings, which took place in 1429. Fishy, huh?
Yet more potato salad
And part 38. “La papa es peruana.” Chileans unavailable for comment.