Nibbles: Aromatics, local food, rice, trade, cetriolo mate, maize, sweet potato, media

One Reply to “Nibbles: Aromatics, local food, rice, trade, cetriolo mate, maize, sweet potato, media”

  1. Thanks for good reading tips, again. Its with your blog as in that Economist advertisement: I used to think. Now, I only read the Economist. Thus: I used to look around. Now, I only read the agricultural biodiversity weblog.
    That sweet potato piece in the Times made me think: Is all dispersal of crops in prehistoric times a result chance, or is such language just an expression of historical arrogance? Or, to put it even less clearly, is not expressions like “unconscious domestication” and “non-purposeful voyaging” tautologies in a reality description that operates with a history and a pre-history. After all, was there any other way than by drift that first sweet potato could have made it over?

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