Meta-analyzing ecological agriculture

Meta-analyze the meta-analyses on ecological agriculture and this — at least according to Lim Li Ching, a researcher at Third World Network — is what you get:

It is clear that ecological agriculture is productive and has the potential to meet food security needs, particularly in the African context. The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development concurs that an increase and strengthening of agricultural knowledge, science and technology toward agroecological sciences will contribute to addressing environmental issues while maintaining and increasing productivity (IAASTD, 2008). Moreover, ecological agricultural approaches allow farmers to improve local food production with low-cost, readily available technologies and inputs, without causing environmental damage.

Miguel Altieri thinks that small farms is where the most ecological and sustainable agriculture is predominantly taking place, and that we need to support that. He repeatedly mentions that they are havens of agrobiodiversity, but he doesn’t mention another meta-analysis that shows that small farms are diverse farms.

LATER: From Brazil, “how family farmers may have benefited benefit from the implication of large retail chains in the organic sector and how an economically and ecologically outstanding agriculture may arise from these circumstances.”

Inter situs conservation unveiled

Following our recent exchange of views on assisted migration, Prof. Vernon Heywood has alerted me to the fact that the latest issue of BGjournal (Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2009) is devoted to ecological restoration.

Amongst the many interesting articles is one on inter situ [sic] conservation which is an issue related to assisted migration. It deals with reintroduction of species to locations outside the current range but within the recent past range of the species unlike assisted migration which deals with the introduction of species (or communities) to areas not at present within their ‘native’ ranges. Both are forms of human-aided translocation of species. On a pedantic note, the correct term for the former should be inter situs not inter situ. I suppose that assisted migration could be viewed as anticipated or predictive inter situs conservation but I would not advocate using such terms.

Another article (by Dixon & Sharrock) in the same issue is on botanic gardens and restoration and includes a Box on the potential and problems of assisted migration.

Perhaps the biggest problem with assisted migration is that while we have various bioclimatic models for predicting species’ distributions under different climates we are not really able to incorporate habitat availability or predict it independently of niche models. We need to know what the habitat and species assemblage (“ecosystem”) are likely to be in the future that we are planning to introduce species into!

It’s not online on the BCGI website yet, but it soon will be.

Nibbles: Berries, Women, Marsh Arabs, Maple, Sorghum, Nuts, Conference, Banana

India’s National Biodiversity Action Plan released

Yes, it’s out. India’s NBAP is online. Unfortunately, the pdf cannot be searched, for some reason, but a quick skim reveals that it does include significant consideration of agricultural biodiversity issues. For example, there’s a discussion of the role of the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) in ex situ conservation of crop genetic resources.


Here’s the money quote, on page 52:

Traditional Indian farming systems are characterized by remarkable diversity owing largely to wide spectrum of agro-climatic situations and indigenous cultivars and native breeds adapted to specific local conditions. Notable efforts to collect crop diversity and documenting of livestock breeds notwithstanding, there is a need for on-farm conservation providing appropriate incentives. Ex situ conservation is expected to provide a strong backup to the efforts to facilitate access and meet unforeseen natural calamities. While there is an increasing coherence of policies and programmes on in situ, on farm and ex situ conservation, there is need to further strengthen these efforts.

The recommendations follow on pages 59-60. With regard to on-farm conservation, they are:

  • Identify hotspots of agro-biodiversity under different agro-ecozones and cropping systems and promote on-farm conservation.
  • Provide economically feasible and socially acceptable incentives such as value addition and direct market access in the face of replacement by other economically remunerative cultivars.
  • Develop appropriate models for on-farm conservation of livestock herds maintained by different institutions and local communities.
  • Develop mutually supportive linkages between in situ, on-farm and ex situ conservation programmes.

And, on ex situ conservation:

  • Promote ex situ conservation of rare, endangered, endemic and insufficiently known floristic and faunal components of natural habitats, through appropriate institutionalization and human resource capacity building. For example, pay immediate attention to conservation and multiplication of rare, endangered and endemic tree species through institutions such as Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding.
  • Focus on conservation of genetic diversity (in situ, ex situ, in vitro) of
    cultivated plants, domesticated animals and their wild relatives to support breeding programmes.
  • Strengthen national ex situ conservation system for crop and livestock diversity, including poultry, linking national gene banks, clonal repositories and field collections maintained by different research centres and universities.
  • Develop cost effective and situation specific technologies for medium and long term storage of seed samples collected by different institutions and organizations.
  • Undertake DNA profiling for assessment of genetic diversity in rare, endangered and endemic species to assist in developing their conservation programmes.
  • Develop a unified national database covering all ex situ conservation sites.
  • Consolidate, augment and strengthen the network of zoos, aquaria, etc., for ex situ conservation.
  • Develop networking of botanic gardens and consider establishing a ‘Central Authority for Botanic Gardens’ to secure their better management on the lines of Central Zoo Authority.
  • Provide for training of personnel and mobilize financial resources to strengthen captive breeding projects for endangered species of wild animals.
  • Strengthen basic research on reproduction biology of rare, endangered and endemic species to support reintroduction programmes.
  • Encourage cultivation of plants of economic value presently gathered from their natural populations to prevent their decline.
  • Promote inter-sectoral linkages and synergies to develop and realize full economic potential of ex situ conserved materials in crop and livestock improvement programmes.

Lots of sensible stuff, and it’s good to see agrobiodiversity in there at all. I was particularly interested in the recommendation to establish a national database bringing together all genebanks. Let’s see what happens, maybe it’s a small step out of genebank database hell. No mention of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, though.

LATER: Yes, indeed, the ITPGRFA is mentioned on p. 90. Thanks, Eliseu. Sorry about that. Still trying to work out why I can’t search the pdf… Ah, can’t search online, but can if I download it first.

LATER STILL: Forgot to mention that there are also a number of references to crop wild relatives, check out Table 4, for example.

Nibbles: Rituals, Pig, Diseases, Beer, Hog, Fair

  • The Green Revolution has messed with rice rituals in Bengal.
  • National Pig Day is coming up. Bacon for breakfast at last!
  • The Star Trek tricorder finally arrives, though only for plant diseases so far.
  • Organic beer can be good. You had me at beer.
  • Speakin’ of bacon, make mine endangered.
  • Biodiversity Fair held in Bhutan “to recognise the farmers’ contribution …; create awareness … and encourage farmers …; promote in situ conservation and … ex situ (gene bank) conservation; and provide … opportunities to exchange seeds.”