Nibbles: Forest seed collecting, Colombian maize, Türkiye & China genebanks, Community seedbank trifecta, Wheat breeding, Rice breeding, Bean INCREASE, WorldVeg regen, UK apples, Rangeland management

  1. How to collect forestry seeds.
  2. Whole bunch of new maize races collected in Colombia.
  3. The Türkiye national genebank in the news. Lots of collecting there. Though maybe not as much as in this genebank in China.
  4. But small communities need genebanks too. Here’s an example from Ghana. And another from India. And a final one from the Solomon Islands.
  5. Need to use the stuff in genebanks though. Here’s how they do it in the UK. And in Bangladesh. And in Europe with the INCREASE project, which has just won a prize for citizen science. And in Taiwan. Sort of citizen science too.
  6. Collecting apples in the UK. Funny, the canonical lost-British-apple story appears on the BBC in the autumn usually. Kinda citizen science.
  7. Or we could do in situ conservation, as in this South African example… Just kidding, we all know it’s not either/or. Right? Probably a good idea to collect seeds is what I’m saying. Could even do it through citizen science.

Brainfood: UK NUS, German labelling, Indian diversity, Ghana fonio, Kenya veggies, Rwanda biofortified beans, Cassava WTP, Urochloa resources, Perennial flax

Brainfood: Biodiversity nexus, Nutrition interventions, European land suitability, Beyond yield, Cover crops, CWR breeding, Rice gaps, Banana info system

Seeds find a way

Jeremy’s latest newsletter is out, and has a nice piece on disobedience of the rules of the EU’s Common Catalogue.

Little seed has its say

The motto of the European Union on agricultural diversity, especially with regard to seeds, has long been Everything Not Permitted Is Forbidden. That is to say, only varieties registered in the Common Catalogue are permitted to be placed on the market, all others cannot be sold. We’ve seen glimmers of hope over the past couple of decades as the EU tries to loosen these restrictions for purposes of conservation or to support smaller-scale growers, but nothing really substantive.

One of the umbrella organisations campaigning for people to have the freedom to plant whatever varieties they want is Let’s Liberate Diversity, a coalition of like-minded organisations that actually gets EU funding to campaign against the EU. All of which is a long introduction to a recent article from a Swedish activist that offers an interesting perspective on the current state of play and the “different degrees of disobedience to the EU”.

Sivert Stiernebro recounts his experience at a hearing in Sweden on proposed new seed regulations and makes this telling point:

It’s apparent that the legislation proposal has been carefully thought through to cover all types of plant reproductive materials and uses. A variety that doesn’t qualify for the official list can be registered as a “conservation variety”; but even if it falls outside the framework, there exists category after category of ‘special rules’. However all seeds must enter the system—a kind of population registry for plants. It could provide an opportunity for more varieties to become legal. But it could also become hopelessly expensive and cumbersome to handle unusual seed varieties. Registration and control fees could be a more effective barrier than explicit bans, which would arouse every gardener’s spirit of protest!

The part I truly do not understand — and Stiernebro doesn’t either — is why there even needs to be a single system for all seeds at all scales. Sivert writes about “conflicting interests”; where, truly, is the conflict between a farmer growing, say, 200 hectares of peas to be picked and frozen within the hour and an organic grower who wants to supply fresh peas for as long a season as possible? Or a gardener with a bad back who wants tall growing peas that they don’t have to stoop to pick”?

And speaking of lost vegetable varieties (slick, eh?) kudos to David Shields, whose new book The Ark of Taste has been shortlisted for a James Beard awards. Shields has done sterling work to help recover older varieties that were thought to have been lost, among them Cocke’s Prolific Corn, Sea Island White Flint Corn, and the Bradford Watermelon.

Nibbles: Seed info, Potato 101, Coffee 101, Rice repatriation, Iraq genebank, Use or lose, Teff breeding, Micronutrients, Agrobiodiversity, Plant a Seed Kit, WorldVeg to Svalbard, Seed Health Units

  1. Eastern and Southern Africa Small-scale Farmers’ Forum (ESAFF) launches SEED GIST, a quarterly repository of seed literature.
  2. A fun romp through potato history.
  3. A fun romp through coffee history.
  4. Hong Kong gets some rice seeds back from the IRRI genebank.
  5. No doubt Iraq will get some seeds back from the ICARDA genebank soon.
  6. Genebanks are only the beginning though.
  7. Breeding teff in, wait for it, South Africa.
  8. The possible tradeoffs of an environmentally friendly diet.
  9. IIED on the value of agrobiodiversity. Includes an environmentally-friendly and/or nutritious diet.
  10. Slow Food’s Plant a Seed Kit is all about agrobiodiversity and healthy diets. What, though, no teff?
  11. WorldVeg knows all about seed kits, and safety duplication.
  12. Gotta make sure those seeds are healthy, though. Here’s how CGIAR does it.