This I’d like to see. A television documentary depicts in loving detail a battle between red driver ants and termites. The amazing part: the driver ants are under the “control” of the Mofu people of northern Cameroon, who use the ants to protect their houses and harvests. Read all about it at The Ant Room. Better yet, watch the TV show and tell us more.
Making cassava stronger in the Amazon
I had a chance to roam through the extensive exhibition of posters at SIRGEALC yesterday, and, although many of them were attractive and interesting, one in particular stood out. Actually, Dr Fabio de Oliveira Freitas of the Brasilian plant genetic resources programme (CENARGEN) had two posters up. That’s him in the photo below. One seems to be an update of his thesis work on DNA fingerprinting of archaeological maize remains, which you can read about online. That was interesting enough, but the second poster was even better.
It told a great story from Dr Freitas’ work with a group of Amazonian indians. He’d been visiting a remote area right in the middle of the Amazon for about ten years when he noticed something he hadn’t seen before. In one village, one family had the habit of planting one stake of each of their cassava varieties all together on one mound. Later he found another family in another village doing the same thing. This is apparently an old custom that was more widespread in the past, and that for some reason is declining, although it is supposed to “make the cassava stronger.” Normally, people plant one or more stakes of a single variety in a given mound. But these two families built one somewhat larger, special mound in their field, and planted a specimen of each of their dozen or so varieties in it, so that they grew all together in close proximity, their spindly branches intertwining. That means more crossing among varieties, and more hybrid seedlings on the ground around the mound, for the people to select and nurture new varieties from.
It’s unclear why this agrobiodiversity-friendly ritual is disappearing, and what can be done to stop this happening. But my money is on Dr Freitas to find out and tell us about it soon.
Earliest use of cacao dated
Mesoamericans drank fermented cacao pulp 3000 years ago.
Molokai farmers get a taste of taro diversity
A fine and detailed report on a taro diversity day held at the University of Hawaii’s field station near Molokai. The report makes clear why field genebanks need to exist, the threats to genebanks in general and taro in particular, and the vital links between culture and agriculture.
Fine beans
We just received a message from Christine, a reader in New Zealand, who hopes ultimately to do a roundup of seed-saving efforts down there for us. In the meantime, she has a question:
Yesterday I sowed Fin de Bagnol bean seeds, an heirloom French variety. As I did so I wondered what the name meant – it seemed strange to have ‘End’ in a seed name. I did a spot of googling to try and find an answer, but no luck.
Maybe you have a French contact who knows?
Indeed, maybe we do. Meantime, I think that fin in this case means “fine” or “slender” rather than “end”. There are other French beans with the same word; Deuil Fin Precoce for one, which is early (precocious).
So my guess is that this is a fine, slender bean of the Bagnols, but whether it is a Bagnol family, or the rather fine Château de Bagnols (which might be linked to the family) I cannot say. Probably the Château.
But maybe someone out there knows for sure.