Brainfood: Ultra-processed food, Micronutrients, Wheat breeding, Bambara groundnut breeding, Seed longevity, Sheep diversity, Switchgrass ploidy, Seed services, Jersey in Africa, Wine history, Austronesian dispersal

Brainfood: Digitizing collections, Bean core, Livestock diversity, Maya & maize, Fish stocks & CC, Save the weed, Flax CWR, Italian agrobiodiversity

Brainfood: NPGS use, Descriptor clustering, Fast phenotyping, Flax duplicates, Photosynthesis variation, Brassica breeding, Robusta & CC, Seaweed domestication, Fighting fish domestication, Hotspots & diets, Cotton & wildlife

Nibbles: Future Seeds, Irish Seed Savers, ICRAF genebank, Cherry blossoms, Coffee futures, Eat This Newsletter

  1. More on how Future Seeds fits into the global system of genebanks. And more still.
  2. You can immerse yourself in the Irish Seed Savers genebank.
  3. Do you want chips with your tree genebank?
  4. There’s a sort of cherry blossom genebank in the Smithsonian Gardens.
  5. The Economist fails to mention genebanks in its piece on how to save coffee from climate change. Here’s an EU project that’s using coffee diversity for adaptation.
  6. Jeremy’s latest newsletter looks at everything from the denazification of cattle to yams. But not genebanks. Subscribe anyway!

Brainfood: Kungas, Tomato domestication, Wild honeybees, Association mapping, Mixtures, Wild edible plants, DSI ABS, Fusarium wilt, Mango weeds, Conservation payments