Nibbles: Bees, IFPRI, Undernutrition policy, Haiti earthquake, Yeast

  • Latest news on the bee front ain’t good. Except on Isle of Man.
  • IFPRI accused of being industry shills. But where’s the evidence?
  • Commentary on Hilary Clinton’s undernutrition speech.
  • Monsanto did not donate GMO seed to Haiti. But it was hybrids, so basically a one-off. Better than nothing? Adding insult to injury? I dunno, you decide.
  • So apparently we have the unstable margins of chromosomes to thank for beer. I’ll drink to that.

Nibbles: Conservation, Women, Subsidies, Bees, Microbes, Rhizobia, Genebanks, Chicken history, Nordic genebank

Nibbles: Heirloom store, Leaf miners, Mongolian drought, GPS, Coca, Ag origins, Aquaculture, Lice, Bud break in US, IFAD livestock, biofuels, Pig history

Nibbles: ILRI, Diversitas, Trees, Water use, Soil, Kenya, Microlivestock, Truffles, Climate data, Forests, Diseases, Plant breeding survey, Beer, and more beer, Pollinators

Nibbles: Boswellia, Nepali rice, Andes, Pacific nutrition, Wild rice, Coffea, Kashmir, Fibres, Fermentation