Salted capers are good for you. (Actually, they’re good. period.)
Ethnic holdout
Berry wonderful
Sea buckthorn: from the Mongolian steppe to Canada. Genghis Khan unavailable for comment.
Novelty crops
The October issue of USDA’s Agricultural Research Magazine has a number of pieces on “novelty crops,” which just seems to mean non-staples, although some of them are what is often referred to as neglected or underused species. Among the articles there’s one on how the National Plant Germplasm System is conserving the genetic diversity of these species.
Healthier farmers, better products
That’s the theme and title of the latest issue of LEISA Magazine, which explores “how human health is being improved through good natural resource management and maintenance of ecosystem health.” There are articles on neglected crops, traditional medicinal plants and organic agriculture, among other things — lots of agrobiodiversity related stuff. Thanks again to Danny for the headsup. Great reading.