Climate change causes blueberry war.
Agrobiodiversity around the home
British homegardens to be surveyed.
Giant swamp taro analyzed
More of one of our favourite leitmotifs. Lois Englberger tells me her team’s latest paper on variety-level nutritional composition has been accepted by the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis ((Carotenoid and mineral content of Micronesian giant swamp taro (Cyrtosperma) cultivars by Englberger L, Schierle J, Kraemer K, Aalbersberg W, Dolodolotawake U, Humphries J, Graham R, Reid AP, Lorens A, Albert K, Levendusky A, Johnson E, Paul Y, Sengebau F.)). It won’t actually be out for a few months, but here’s the abstract to whet your appetite:
NTFP and poverty
Collecting wild foods an “efficient method of subsistence.”
Root crops vs grains
Do we need more vegeculture? Via Tucsonivores.