Brainfood: Diversity & stability, Diversity & profitability, Rotations, Food environments, Food system transitions, Deforestation & ag, Great Lakes priorities, Translational research, Field size, Genetic erosion

Brainfood: Species mixtures double, Crop diversification, Local adaptation, Speed of adaptation, Essential Biodiversity Variables, Effective population size, Monitoring diversity

Nibbles: Asian yams, Coconut survey, Belarus genebank, Jordan genebank, Tepary beans breeding, Dante’s wine

  1. Nice Twitter thread on Asian yams (and incidentally sweet potato and taro).
  2. Surveying and collecting coconuts in PNG. What will they do with those nuts?
  3. Belarus genebank gets a high-level visit. Can’t help wondering if the Ukraine genebank being in the news is behind this somehow.
  4. Jordan to get a(nother) genebank. Apparently.
  5. Tepary beans to get their 15 minutes of fame.
  6. Medieval Italian wine was biodynamic.

Nibbles: Organic ag, Local ag, Pigeonpea, African cereals, Vanilla genebank, Ag R&D, Ziziphus

  1. Blaming organic agriculture for Sri Lanka’s woes is a little…simplistic.
  2. Deriding food localism as luddite is a little…simplistic. I wonder if there will be a rural re-exodus in Sri Lanka.
  3. Pigeonpea is back on the menu in Malawi. Organically produced, no doubt.
  4. Will it be closely followed by sorghum and millet in Zimbabwe?
  5. Brazil puts together a vanilla collection. Because you can only go so far on sorghum and pigeonpea.
  6. Meanwhile, “…China Has Become the World’s Largest Funder of Agricultural R&D,” displacing the US. Including local and organic ag, pigeonpea and sorghum? I wonder…
  7. Looks like jujube might be an example of US-China collaboration on ag research. Maybe.

Nibbles: Algal genebank, Baking, Distilling, Ft Collins genebank, Community genebanks, Trinidad genebank, Agriculture & climate change, Nigerian coconuts, Organic agriculture

  1. Saving an algal germplasm collection in the US.
  2. Saving ancient grains via baking in Israel and distilling in Minnesota.
  3. Saving seeds (and more) in a famous genebank in Ft Collins, Colorado.
  4. Saving seeds in community genebanks in Nepal.
  5. Saving seeds for the community in Trinidad & Tobago.
  6. Saving agriculture from climate change in Hainan. Someone tell India.
  7. Saving the Nigerian coconut sector.
  8. Saving organic agriculture from politicians.