Nibbles: Svalbard, Consumers, Seed law, Fragrant rice, Five Farms on radio, Invasive plant used, Genetic diversity and latitude, Coffee and tea in history, Coconut disease

Chinese interdependence

ResearchBlogging.orgA paper just out in Agricultural Science in China reminded me that I wanted to say something about one of the great meta-narratives of plant genetic resources: interdependence — the old no-country-is-self-sufficient-in-PGR mantra. Which, unlike some other meta-narratives, is generally recognized as being true — witness the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA). And that despite the fact that measuring interdependence is not by any means easy, and has not often been done.

The paper which caught my eye is not really primarily about interdependence. ((ZHAO, Y., Ofori, A., & LU, C. (2009). Genetic diversity of European and Chinese oilseed Brassica rapa cultivars from different breeding periods. Agricultural Sciences in China 8(8):931-938. DOI: 10.1016/S1671-2927(08)60297-7.)) It just shows that cultivars of winter oilseed rape (canola) from China are very distinct from European ones, on the basis of molecular markers. Which presumably means that yield gains could be had from cross-breeding between the two groups. Which does say something about interdependence, but not very forcefully.

However, that paper reminded me about two others that a colleague had recently sent me, along with the thought that they should be enough, in a perfect world, for China to ratify the ITPGRFA.

The first is about soybean. ((Qin, J., Chen, W., Guan, R., Jiang, C., Li, Y., Fu, Y., Liu, Z., Zhang, M., Chang, R., & Qiu, L. (2006). Genetic contribution of foreign germplasm to elite Chinese soybean (Glycine max) cultivars revealed by SSR markers. Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(9):1078-1084. DOI: 10.1007/s11434-006-1078-4)) It shows, using molecular markers again, that a couple of elite Chinese cultivars benefited greatly, in terms of both specific traits but also their difference from previous Chinese cultivars (that is, the genetic base of the crop as a whole was broadened) from the fact that US and Japanese germplasm was involved in their development, rather than just Chinese stuff.

The second paper makes the interdependence point even more strongly by quantifying the contribution of foreign maize germplasm to production in China, rather than just genetic diversity. ((LI, H., HU, R., & ZHANG, S. (2006). The Impact of US and CGIAR Germplasm on Maize Production in China. Agricultural Sciences in China, 5(8):563-571. DOI: 10.1016/S1671-2927(06)60093-X.)) It turns out that a 1% contribution by US material (based on the coefficient of parentage) translates to an additional 0.01 t/ha (0.2%), and a 1% contribution by CIMMYT germplasm to an additional 0.025 t/ha.

The conclusion: “The extensive utilization of US and CG germplasm improved maize yield potential in China… The government should provide funds to support research on germplasm introduction…” And, we could add, it should ratify the ITPGRFA. No country is self-sufficient in PGRFA. Not even the largest.

Good news from Zimbabwe?

“I’m looking for maduni, my son. This millet variety was grown for ages by our ancestors, but it’s gone,” she says. “We grew it in our fields when we were young. We liked it because it had a good taste unlike some of the new varieties we have now.”

Long piece by Sifelano Tsiko in the Zimbabwe Herald about the search for forgotten varieties of traditional crops and wild species.

“If humanity mourns the loss of wild plants, we should really worry about the extinction of cultivated ones. These plants sustain our lives,” one renowned agricultural development activist once remarked.

I wonder who that was?

Indigenous food systems documented

FAO has a book out called Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems, published with the Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment (CINE). There’s an informative interview with Barbara Burlingame, senior nutrition officer at FAO and coordinator for the book, on the FAO InTouch website. Unfortunately, this is only available internally at FAO, for reasons which elude me. Here’s a few of the interesting things Dr Burlingame had to say.

We wanted to showcase the many dimensions of these traditional food resources, breaking them down by nutrition, health, culture and environmental sustainability. So much knowledge of early cultures is contained within traditional foods and their cultivation, and they have a direct impact on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health of indigenous communities. Indigenous foods can have important nutritional benefits, for example. For instance plant foods are generally viewed as good sources of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. These foods also provide important economic benefits, such as helping create self-sufficient communities and establishing a strong foundation of food security.

We believe the information can be a help to those in nutrition, agriculture, environmental and health education, and science, including policymakers. Nutritionists can use the information to try and correct imbalances in certain regions. For example, we discovered in research that the Pohnpei district community in the Federated States of Micronesia was severely deficient in vitamin A, despite the fact that a species of banana rich in vitamin A beta-carotenes was indigenous to the region. Once we determined the nutritional composition of the banana, we were able to educate the people about its benefit and encourage them to eat the local fruit, which helped reverse the deficiency.

Yes, another book is under way that focuses more on nutrition and public health. It will look at policy dimensions, stemming the tide of obesity in indigenous peoples, the value of indigenous weaning foods for babies, and a ‘go local’ campaign in Micronesia encouraging communities to eat local food items. We will also continue in our efforts in integrating elements of biodiversity into all aspects of nutrition.

“Go Local” of course refers to the campaign to promote traditional foods in the Pacific spearheaded by Lois Englberger and her colleagues at the Island Food Community of Pohnpei, who have appeared frequently on these pages. It’s great to see my old friends from the Pacific getting this kind of international exposure for their efforts, and making a difference beyond their immediate region.

Continue reading “Indigenous food systems documented”

Cuba: the goods

We asked Julia Wright, author of the study on Cuba, if she would set us straight on the various interpretations of her work that are floating around. She agreed. Thanks Julia.

Jeremy has summarized the situation pretty clearly, as I saw it. I was in Cuba from 1999 to 2001 collecting field data, during which time I interviewed over 400 people mainly from the farming sector, across the country. It was difficult to get hold of secondary hard data, partly because of paper shortages — stats weren’t being printed — but also because some just weren’t being collected, and also because I was a foreigner. I undertook this work because I had heard that Cuba was or might be organic, and I wanted to see how they did it — how their production and support systems were operating, and also the implications of this in terms of human health. So the research was curiosity driven, and I got funded through the EU Training and Mobility of Researchers programme (Marie Curie) to undertake research at Wageningen Uni in the Netherlands (I used the ‘laboratory glassware’ part of the funds to cover the flights to Cuba…).

Basically urban agriculture is mainly organic and successful – so much so that the State has maintained support for it to this day. But in rural regions, it took longer for the positive impacts of the shortfalls in fuel and agrochemicals to manifest — some farmers estimated that after about 5 years they could detect an increase in biodiversity and improvements in livestock health — and before organic could prove itself Cuba had the opportunity to start importing more industrial inputs. The sector had been forced into a low-input situation; it was not an attitudinal change. Nevertheless, much learning took place, and everyone agreed that they would not go back to the old ways of the 1980s. The same would happen in this country (England), and we can learn a lot from what worked and what didn’t.

About specific figures, well urban agriculture supplies mainly salad vegetables — lettuce and tomato, which isn’t a very popular part of the Cuban diet. Peri-urban agriculture could, according to researchers in that field, one day supply up to 70% of Havana’s food needs, so there’s an area of great potential. In terms of national self sufficiency, I’ve heard various figures being bandied about. Official international sources (often from US) estimate that 90% of foods are imported. Cuban contacts say about 50%, because of the large amount of informal campesino production that is just not being documented. In recent years, Cuba has had relatively more choice over whether to import or aim for self sufficiency, and it has tended toward the former (as has the UK). This may however be changing again with the current economic crisis.

I go back there most years, as work allows, and for the past 4 years have been supporting a project in the east of the country on drought mitigation. Industrial agriculture can’t cope with drought aside from digging deeper wells, and in fact neither can temperate organic methods, so we draw from Australia’s permaculture expertise for innovative, low-cost rainwater harvesting approaches.

I’m sorry that the book is so expensive, but if there’s sufficient demand, Earthscan will publish a softback. In the meantime, I do have some discount copies…