If life gives you potatoes…

This from the Facebook page of the Consorcio Papas Andinas del Peru.

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The caption says:

Pronto, en los mejores Supermercados de Lima, en una edición limitada, de las mejores papas de los Festivales 2012, 2013 y 2014.

That means that these little boxes, featuring the best varieties from recent National Native Potato Festivals, ((For more on crop festivals, see yesterday’s Nibbles.)) will soon be available in Lima’s supermarkets. No word on prices, but I suspect some considerable value addition. After all:

Old food the new way — it’s the Peruvian dream of future food.

Nibbles: Custodian farmers, Farming wild species, Museum of Agriculture, GMO maize in Mexico, Organic metareview, Boron tolerance, Date tomato, Cultivated Plant Taxonomy Newsletter, Barcoding Welsh honey

Nibbles: Coffee processing, British liquorice, Livestock maps, Chicken semen, Global Nutrition Report, Plant booze, Cuban urban ag, Forests & nutrition, Sustainable cacao, Climate-smart ag, Modelling landuse, Mapuche up in arms, Rothamstead experiment

Brainfood: Landscape preferences, Livestock selection, Romanian conservation, Nordic Horseradish, Social structuring, Darjeeling tea, ZFarming, Pineywoods cattle, Cotton breeding, Neglected veggies

Nibbles: Millet festival, Seed eBay, Fonio frenzy, Kenya mangoes, Barbed wire, Potato diversity, Peruvian cuisine, Feeding Haiti, Shea paradox, Prosopis review, Nigerian genebank, COGENT meeting, IRRI genebank, Big Data on diseases, Genomics at UBham