Nibbles: Crop change, Chinese chocolate, Food system, Eating local, Heritage wheat, NTFPs, Distinguished ethnobotanist, Pumpkins, Garum recipe, Fermentation, Archaea, NBPGR interview

  1. IFAD says farmers might need to change crops. Farmers unavailable for comment as presumably they’re too busy changing crops.
  2. Case in point: China moves into cacao.
  3. The food system is at the centre of all our ills. But I’m not sure switching from maize to sorghum is going to cut it.
  4. And neither will watching those food miles, alas.
  5. Example of a farmer changing crops, watching food miles and diversifying the food system.
  6. I suppose we could also just eat more trees?
  7. We’ll need ethnobotanists for that.
  8. And there’s clearly plenty of pumpkins out there.
  9. Maybe garum would go well with some of those NTFPs, and pumpkins.
  10. Do they teach garum at Fermentation School?
  11. Whoa, I did not realize archaea in the vertebrate gut feed on bacterial fermentation products.
  12. And let’s not forget to put everything in genebanks before it’s too late so we have a chance to do all of the above.

Brainfood: Coconut cloning, Apricot diversity, European ag double, Diet seasonality, Farm size, Ethiopian seeds, Biocultural diversity, Aquatic food, Grasslands, Pollinator mixtures

Nibbles: Mustard, Sugar, Cassowary, Citrus, Beans

  1. Cologne has a mustard museum and I want to visit it.
  2. Lecture on the role of sugar in supporting slavery and capitalism. Where is the sugar museum?Ah here it is.
  3. The cassowary may have been domesticated in New Guinea ten thousand years ago (with sugarcane?). Deserves a museum.
  4. Speaking of domestication, here is how that of citrus happened. There’s actually a number of different citrus museums out there.
  5. Nice PhD opportunity Sweden studying beans in Rwanda. There are museums in both places, I’m pretty sure.

Nibbles: Training materials double, Tree platform double, Wild rabbit, Economic value

  1. Crawford Fund training materials for high schools include discussion of genebanks.
  2. And that would go quite well with this graphic novel on natural selection in Mimulus from Health in Our Hands.
  3. There’s a Global Tree Knowledge Platform from ICRAF…
  4. …which could probably be usefully mashed up with the restoration platform Restor.
  5. The Sumatran striped rabbit makes a rare appearance. On Facebook.
  6. The World Bank makes the economic case for all of the above. Well, maybe except the Sumatran rabbit.