Tangled Bank #95

Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun? Was it only two weeks ago that the last biological carnival went up? How much longer can I keep this rhetorical ball of nonsense in the air? Tangled Bank 95 is up, hosted at Ouroboros. Go! Expose yourself to some diverse ideas. You’ve already read the three pieces we had the greedy gall to submit.


The answers are in, over at the World Bank’s discussion of its 2008 report Agriculture for Development. There’s a lot of good sense in the report author’s comments, such as the need for country (and region) specific approaches and the care that needs to be taken over commercialization, subsidies and the private sector. There are also some things one might take issue with. For example:

Vitamin A enhanced rice is an example of propoor technology under development which could save millions of lives. This will entail increasing support to public national and international research for crops grown and consumed largely by the poor, as well as strengthening capacity in biosafety evaluation and regulation.

I confess I am really, really amazed to find official World Bank support for this point of view. It is so much easier to boost vitamin A intake by broadening the diet to include orange fruits and vegetables and dark green leafy vegetables. One has to wonder why the World Bank continues to push this particular example of genetic modification when there are others that would be much more defensible if one really wanted to go down that route.

The response to a question about climate change had this to say:

The most urgent investments are in crop varieties tolerant to drought and heat, and irrigation systems. Also countries need to strengthen responses to increase volnerability through crop insurance schemes and safety nets.

New varieties may be part of the solution, but it may be considerably more effective to give farmers the access to a wider range of genetic variability and the capacity to make their own selections of widely adapted, and adaptable, populations in order to be able to cope with climate change. At least that should be tried. Properly.

I confess I wasn’t entirely satisfied with the pretty vague answer to my own question, about quick wins. But Luigi, who asked whether the Bank undervalues diversity in agricultural systems, will presumably be happy with part of the answer:

International support to the Global Crop Diversity Trust should be increased.

I wonder what made Byerlee think of that? The fact that the rest of his answer focuses on the conservation of genetic resources and the use of carbon financing to avoid deforestation? This the party line on the value of agricultural biodiversity: it is a source of traits for those clever breeders to use. True, but there is so much more that agrobiodiversity could deliver, given half a chance.

As we keep saying.

No dope

It is 16.21 hrs here in Rome, and there’s no sign of any activity over at the World Bank’s discussion. We know they had questions, and not just from us. They must have answers, surely. I can barely wait to get home and refresh my browser, again.

Get the straight dope from the horse’s mouth

We’ve been apprised, almost certainly by some sort of automated process, ((And I quote: “I saw your blog entry on agriculture, and I thought you might be interested either in highlighting this on your blog, or submitting a question yourself.”)) that the author of the World Bank’s 2008 World Development Report, which focused on agriculture, will take your questions in a live, thrusting, very web 2.0 effort later today. You can submit questions here. We have.

Canadian fish in trouble

Two separate pieces in EurekAlert in the past couple of days point to something being decidedly rotten in the state of Canadian fisheries. First, evidence that parasitic sea lice from salmon farms are spreading to nearby wild populations and may wipe them out within a few years. ((Can anyone think of a similar thing happening with a crop and its wild relatives? I can’t.)) And the historic American eel fishery is also in trouble, possibly as a result of pollution in Lake Ontario. Bad luck, or something more?