Featured: soybean processing equipment

Not a complete reply, but helpful for anyone who wants to reduce the drudgery of food preparation, Diane Ragone recommends a source for processing machinery that can deal with soybeans, among other things. Compatible Technology International develops low tech grinders and other devices to process various nuts, grains, and other crops, including soybeans. Hope that …

Nibbles: Jujubes, Breadfruit, Brassica DNA, Strawberry, Seed packets

It’s jujube season. Who knew? Anissa Helou, that’s who. Big video interview with Diane Ragone, breadfruit suprema. Today’s ho-hum genome sequence to promise improved agricultural crops: Brassica rapa. Genebank saves (and restores) a rare strawberry. I’m not registering here, but I read about it here. Cool approach. ICRISAT jumps on the small-seed-packets-are-beautiful bandwagon.

Breadfruit roundup

Our friend Diane Ragone of the Breadfruit Institute has kindly reminded us that there’s been quite a lot published on her favourite fruit lately. Almost worth a Brainfood all on its own, in fact. Beyond the Bounty: Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) for food security and novel foods in the 21st Century. Great potential, but “a deeper …