We are what we crop? – Part 2

Jacob van Etten continues our coffee-table conversation about whether crops determine everything. All of this started off with Wittfogel’s Oriental despotism and how crops (rice) and cropping technologies (irrigation) give shape to whole societies. Jeremy mentioned Malcolm Gladwell, who argues in Outliers that Asians are good in math because they grow rice. Crops determine everything? …

Back to sorghum: an African response to climate change?

Another in our series of occasional contributions from Jacob van Etten. Last week I was at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) to talk about seed systems. To some degree or another, the people around the table were maize experts. We discussed climate change and this led to some reflections on the question: If maize …

We are what we crop?

The first installment of a promised two-part coffee-table conversation from Jacob van Etten. Some time ago, I promised to write something about if and how crops shape societies. ‘Environmental determinism’ and ‘technological determinism’ are not popular theories in the social sciences these days. ‘Crop determinism’ is in a way both these types of determinism in …