Nibbles: Nagoya, Popghum, Pavlovsk, Water, Climate change, Plumpy’Nut, Buckwheat

The essential guide to the 10th Conference of the Parties to the convention on Biological Diversity. Unmissable. Popghum? What genius came up with that name? And now that it’s big in Virginia, can Africa and Latin America be far behind? Jeremy Bentham excoriates the Russian Federation on Pavlovsk. And gets it mostly right. Yes, that …

More Pavlovsk on the web

There’s a very good report from Pavlovsk on Al Jazeera’s youtube channel. My only objection is to the reference to Pavlovsk as “one of only two botanical repositories on the planet.” And since we’re being all multimedia and social networky, I’ll also mention the photos on the Global Crop Diversity Trust’s Facebook page, which could …

Nibbles: Pavlovsk, Maize, Papaver somniferum, Organics, Zulu gardens, Feasts, Female farmers, Transhumance, Dogs

Bioversity International and UNEP jointly pile on the pressure to preserve Pavlovsk … … as do plant professors from University of Wisonsin. Mexican maize farmers using CIMMYT genebank materials to adapt their varieties. Why not in Africa, then? High praise for a novel on opium. Mat Kinase takes Time to task over lacklustre organics article. …