CCAFS tells the world how agriculture can adapt to climate change

The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security has prepared syntheses papers on two of the topics related to agriculture that are being considered by UNFCCC’s Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) in 2016. The topics have incredibly unwieldy and confusing titles. They boil down, I think, to agricultural practices, …

Nibbles: Old date, Cassava genomic selection, Citizen science double, Cover crops, Quinoa boom, Sorghum boom, Teff boom, Gluten, Malnutrition roundup, African veggies, Farmer2farmer, Double chocolate

That 2000-year old date palm seed is all grown up. And since we’re talking ancient stuff: ornithology in the service of egyptology. Citizen scientists track phenology. Citizen scientists find new species. Let’s hear it for cover crops. Turns out it’s ok for hipsters to eat quinoa. Sorghum takes over the Great Plains. (Well, not really.) …

Fellowship available on Agrobiodiversity and Climate Change

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), offers a one year full time research fellowship (with the possibility of extension) with the level of financial support according to the academic and professional profile of the applicant. There is a need to understand what policies can efficiently and equitably enhance farmers’ livelihoods by increasing their capacity …