Competition Rules, OK

Despite the deafening silence attending the announcement of the First Great Competition, we’re pressing ahead. So here are the rules:

  1. The competition is for a video (loosely construed: pictures plus sound, essentially, although no sound is also probably acceptable).
  2. Subject: something to do with agricultural biodiversity.
  3. Running time: no longer than four minutes.
  4. The competition will run for one year, until 31 March 2008.
  5. The prize is an iPod nano, or something equally groovy if Apple have produced something groovier by the end of the contest.
  6. You retain rights to the creation.
  7. You are responsible for obtaining permission to use any material that you did not originate. This is serious. Do it.
  8. We will (probably) use to host the whole extravaganza. They are good, and they have good rating systems. That means readers will have to register with to vote. It also means non-readers will be able to vote, but that seems reasonable.
  9. You send your finished entry to us. If you think it is too big to email, ask for details of an online drop-box where you can upload it.
  10. We will review it and post it to if we see no problems.
  11. We will publicise each entry and give a link so that readers can go and vote on it.
  12. The video that gets the most votes by 31 March 2008 will win, unless we think something fishy has happened in the voting, in which case we will use our godlike powers to come up with an alternative winner.
  13. These rules are subject to reasonable reinterpretation.
  14. The idea is to have fun — and to try and explain any and all ideas about agricultural biodiversity to a wider audience.

If you don’t like the idea of hosting on, write and tell us why and suggest a better alternative.

In a while I’ll stick up an example and we can all see whether this thing is going to work.

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