That’s not our view. Well, it is, but you know what I mean. It’s the view of über-blogger P.Z. Myers, the man with a cracker in his mouth and a price on his head. PZ stepped manfully into the breach when the scheduled compiler of the Tangled Bank Carnival of the Vanities was diagnosed with a serious illness ((Best of luck, Jeff.)) and so Tangled Bank 110 is back where it started, at PZ Myers’ Pharyngula.
Luigi’s rumination on La Zucca was apparently the “sole entry from the vast field of botany” and it wasn’t that long a post either.
There’s some stuff over there about birds and other animals that eat plants.
And if you think plants get short shrift, consider agriculture. sometimes we do feel we are wandering in the wilderness, but at least this Tangled Bank seems to have smoked out some quasi-useful comments on Luigi’s missing potato dish. So, welcome, and thanks again PZ.
If you were wandering in the wilderness, or at least a near-urban pseudo-wilderness, you would get more respect. . . but deserve it less. Focus on quality more than quantity. Be a member of The Mad Farmer Liberation Front.
If you like Wendell Berry, you may like this story in the latest Atlantic. Or perhaps you’ve already read it.