There’s something satisfying about a bunch of guerilla gardeners unilaterally declaring 1 May to be International Sunflower Guerilla Gardening Day. Not for them the stuffy business of official approval and endless process. Just go ahead and do it. Today!
Alas, the process of informing people who might be interested seems also to be an ignored part of the process. Or maybe it’s just us. Anyway, unprepared for an actual act of guerilla gardening, I instead dedicated myself to transplanting half a dozen Black Magic sunflower seedlings. Maybe when they’re a bit bigger and sturdier I’ll consider sending a couple off to fight the good fight. And they are wild relatives.
I’ve always felt that the Terme di Caracalla were missing something. Sunflowers.
Fine idea. And you could fertilize them with elephant poop leftover from performances of Aida.