Nibbles: Frankincense, Slow Food, Food Justice, Ancient pips, Photosynthesis, Food security

Boswellia back in the news. Must be Christmas. Yesterday was Terra Madre Day; there’s something satisfyingly meta about being a day late with that news. The Germans want justice for food from far away. Bioversity larges up its Heuristic Framework to boost the conservation and use of crop biodiversity. Archaeologist finds ancient Roman grape seeds, …

Nibbles: Apple Diversity, Sorghum, Ugandan organics, Cows, CABI, Giant pumpkin, Nutrigenomics, SOTW2

Apple diversity on display at Terra Madre. A drought-resistant sorghum for Karamoja. Read the script of a radio programme. CIAT advises Ugandan farmers: produce what you can sell, don’t sell what you can produce. Hmmmn. Local cow breeds and Protected Designation of Origin cheeses. There’s a conclusion here struggling to emerge, but I can’t recognize …