- “Will Increased Food Production Devour Tropical Forest Lands?” A long condensed version of an even longer answer.
- Baobabs hybridise rather freely. Time to edit all those factsheets?
Nibbles: Borlaug, Wheat history, Plant breeding, Nepali tomato
- The Borlaug 100 conference programme now has links to many of the presentations.
- Including a link to Rachel Laudan’s history of Wheat: the grain at the center of civilization.
- Oh boy. A new edition of FAO’s Plant Breeding & Genetics Newdsletter.
- Video on “Reviving Nepal with hybrid tomatoes“. So many questions, so few answers.
Where in the world is Luigi Guarino?
The moment he (and we) have been waiting for: #luigigoestosvalbard.
Let’s get that #hashtag trending.
Nibbles: Intensification, Wheat, Bees crisis
- Liberation: Proof, if proof were needed, that what you really need to snaffle EU funding is an acronym.
- Not just yields but nutritional value of staple crop threatened by climate change.
- Bee crisis still bad news for agriculture.
- Bee crisis still good news for researchers.
Nibbles: Sustainability, Cattle domestication, Grain domestication, Peanut genome, Peanut breeding, Seed systems, Food prices, Climate stuff, Aid
- Sustainability and wildcrafting; not overharvesting frankincense, or anything else.
- Another take on cattle domestication.
- And the spread of ancient grains.
- Everyone wants to take credit for the peanut genome …
- Learn why that’s a good thing courtesy of the Generation Challenge Programme.
- A new website to ensure that seed aid after a disaster is not itself a disaster.
- Ah, the joys of walking the policy tightrope: Higher food prices are good for the poor … in the long run.
- Nice piece from the data nerds at 538: Can Evolution Outrace Climate Change?
- On a related note, can Bioversity outrace the IPCC?
- “The US Agency for International Development (USAID) today announced the launch of its US$100-million Global Development Lab in Washington DC — a move that will elevate the role of science at the agency.” WCPGW?