- How to solve world hunger, eat a new report.
- Or send them the UK’s surplus oats and wheat.
- Our friend Anne Vezina lets the reptiles of the press have it right between the eyes: Crocs and banana plantations: What the media missed.
- And Erik Hammar is peeved about a New York Times op-ed pooh poohing the problem of overpopulation.
- Glad we’re not too late to point you to the write-up of the 1st day of the NUS 2013 conference. More to come?
- There’s a new Berry go Round botany blog carnival up, with nothing of agricultural interest. I guess we missed the call for content. Again.
- Farming Matters wants your articles on agricultural biodiversity.
- In a cabbage taste test, wild is best.
Nibbles: Treaty shindig, Manure app, Bambara groundnut, SSE
- The Oman Observer on the opening of the 5th meeting of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA). Nice rhino horn dagger handle, dude!
- For real news, though, you need to be following #itgb5.
- You know all that stuff about mobile phones being the future of farming? Manure!
- Here’s another thing we missed. The 3rd International Bambara groundnut Workshop, yesterday. ‘Spect someone will write it up, eventually.
- Mother Earth News loves it up for Decorah, Iowa, home of Seed Savers Exchange.
David Lobell a certified “genius”
Massive congratulations to David Lobell for being awarded a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship.
Agricultural transformation in Ethiopia
A very interesting short film about efforts to help smallholder farmers in Ethiopia to become more productive. Maybe a bit long on talking heads in suits and short on specifics, but fascinating insights into how very simple technologies — plant in rows, reduce seeding rate — can transform harvests.
Have they, though, taken account of Land constraints and agricultural intensification in Ethiopia? One hopes so, because, as any fule kno:
Highland Ethiopia is one of the most densely populated regions of Africa and has long been associated with both Malthusian disasters and Boserupian agricultural intensification.
You may need this link to Ester Boserup.
Nibbles: Bees, Okra, Horsemeat, Monoculture, CWRs mapped, Barley, PB&J
- Colony collapse disorder. It’s still complicated.
- The Botanist in the Kitchen is at it again, with an in-depth treatment of okra, slime and chocolate.
- But seriously, why don’t Anglo-Saxons eat equids? It’s all down to religion.
- Nigeria embraces UNCTAD report that warns against monoculture.
- An interactive map of crop wild relatives. If it showed barley too, I know someone who would be in heaven.
- As so often in these matter, Kew comes to the rescue.
- A history of the peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich. My kind of dietary diversity.