- Make Me Care About…ancient grains.
- Not enough? Here’s more.
- Wait, does wheat count?
- Make Me Care About…kelp.
- Make Me Care About…rare livestock breeds. In Mongolia. Jeremy unavailable for comment.
- Make Me Care About…pumpkins.
- Make Me Care About…Bioversity International…and its Alliance with CIAT.
- Make Me Care About…old writing about trees.
- Make Me Care About…the World.
- Make the Private Sector Care About…biodiversity, nature and landscape restoration.
Brainfood: Vanilla diversity, Moth bean diversity, Lablab genome, Wheat allergens, Strampelli, Core collections, Collection structure, ITK, Sambal diversity
- Genetic diversity of the cultivated vanilla in Madagascar. Lots of genetic groups based on SNPs, but not structured in space or environmentally, except maybe by altitude.
- Genetic diversity, population structure, and genome-wide association study for the flowering trait in a diverse panel of 428 moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia) accessions using genotyping by sequencing. NW India is a centre of diversity.
- Chromosome-level genome assembly and population genomic resource to accelerate orphan crop lablab breeding. Two domestication “events,” with the 2-seeded form originating in Ethiopia.
- Reference proteomes of five wheat species as starting point for future design of cultivars with lower allergenic potential. Einkorn is really low in potential allergens.
- Nazareno Strampelli and the first Green Revolution. And all without SNPs, GWAS, genomes or proteomes.
- Developments on Core Collections of Plant Genetic Resources: Do We Know Enough? Do we ever?
- Assessing Genetic Distinctness and Redundancy of Plant Germplasm Conserved Ex Situ Based on Published Genomic SNP Data. Looks like we may know enough for some things after all.
- An (un)common remedy to Indigenous communities’ subsistence: revisiting Traditional Knowledge Commons. As we delve deeper and deeper into the genetic diversity of collections, let’s not forget the associated Indigenous Knowledge.
- Diversity of sambals, traditional Indonesian chili pastes. Case in point? Any allergens though, I wonder?
Nibbles: Alt-proteins, NPGS, Serviceberry, Fungal diseases, Old Irish farm
- The benefits of alt-proteins spelled out in a report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies. I bet they’ll need alt-genebanks.
- The US national genebank system expertly deconstructed in a page.
- Bozakmin, the best of the berries, used to contrast late stage capitalism with Indigenous gift economies. Well worth the long read.
- Comment in Nature about how we are not taking fungal diseases of crops sufficiently seriously.
- There’s a place in Ireland with a 6000 year history of farming. Well maybe that’s rounded up a bit.
Build you own genebank subsets
Genesys has some cool new functionality: the Subsetting Tool. With it, you have the power to create customized subsets based on the climate and soil variables of your choice. You can read more about it in a blogpost, and in more detail in the user guide. I’l probably blog about it here in due course. Any requests?
The latest on the spread of agriculture in Eurasia
Remember the map of the spread of agriculture in Europe that I mashed up with barley genebank accessions a while back? Well, there’s a new version out, according to a tweet from Detlef Gronenborn.
It will eventually make its way here with the previous versions.