- Sweet Potato on Rapa Nui: Insights from a Monographic Study of the Genus Ipomoea. Seeds could just maybe have got there by floating, but more likely sweet potato was introduced to Easter Island by people from other parts of Polynesia, perhaps not by the first arrivals though.
- The legacy of 1300 years of land use in Jamaica. European colonization led to deforestation. And no doubt the spread of sweet potato, but that’s another story. The constant is cassava.
- Prehistoric agricultural decision making in the western Himalayas: ecological and social variables. Large, socially diverse prehistoric sites had more diverse agriculture. At these high altitude anyway. The constant is barley.
- Early Austronesians Cultivated Rice and Millet Together: Tracing Taiwan’s First Neolithic Crops. That would be japonica rice and foxtail millet, which were brought to Taiwan from the SE coast of China.
- Millet, Rice, and Isolation: Origins and Persistence of the World’s Most Enduring Mega-State. Meanwhile, back in China, the adoption of agriculture drives state formation.
- A 16th-century biodiversity and crop inventory. 60 crop and livestock species, which doesn’t sound like enough. Alas, no sweet potato or rice, but some Setaria millet.
Brainfood: AnGR in the US, Cloning, Reindeer diversity, Lactose persistence evolution, Fish menus, Vanilla agroforestry, Pollinators in India & the US, Dogs & people
- Development and utilization of the United States gene bank collection. Of animals, that is: 1.15 million samples from 59,640 animals, representing 44 species of livestock, aquatic and insect genetic resources, 191 breeds and 369 subpopulations.
- Healthy cloned offspring derived from freeze-dried somatic cells. Another way to conserve in genebanks like the above, at least for mice.
- Genetic differentiation between coexisting wild and domestic Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L. 1758) in Northern Eurasia. Now there’s better information to help decide how to conserve both in genebanks and outside, at least for reindeer.
- Dairying, diseases and the evolution of lactase persistence in Europe. Being able to digest milk didn’t help Neolithic people much. But not being able to digest milk during famines or plagues was really bad for them. Yeah but now we’re stuck with all that livestock.
- Signature of climate-induced changes in seafood species served in restaurants. Since 1880, the mean temperature preference of fish on Vancouver’s menus has increased by 3°C. Soon some will need genebanks, I guess. Or domestication.
- Win-win opportunities combining high yields with high multi-taxa biodiversity in tropical agroforestry. You don’t necessarily have to pay for higher vanilla yields with lower biodiversity. Good, because you can’t put everything in a genebank, I guess.
- Functional diversity of farmland bees across rural–urban landscapes in a tropical megacity. Oh look, another win-win!
- A review of management actions on insect pollinators on public lands in the United States. As in tropical megacities, removing invasives is an unalloyed good.
- Human Ecology: Special Issue on Dogs. Whether you’re a dog person or not, it’s hard to argue that any domesticated animal has engaged in a more diverse set of interactions with humans. Truly a win-win. But please, let’s not clone Fido.
Nibbles: CGIAR impacts, Innovative varieties, Sweet potato in PNG, Mexican food viz, Mango diversity, Lactase persistence, Tree planting, Indigenous sea gardens
- Average returns on agricultural R&D investment is 100%, says CGIAR.
- I wonder how many from this list of the most innovative plant varieties of 2020 can trace back to some CGIAR product. Or genebank.
- Which sweet potato varieties do consumers actually like in PNG?
- Cool visualizations of the relationships between Mexican crops and foods.
- One village, 100 mangoes. Visualize that.
- Don’t blame high food prices on war. Entirely, anyway.
- Lactase persistence is not due to the benefits of drinking milk. Entirely, anyway.
- A whole bunch of tools to help select trees to plant in Europe. The entirely correct URL for the climate matching tool is this one though.
- Why worry about any of that when you can have sea gardens, though?
Animal domestication through the ages
Pretty good infographic on the history of animal domestication from the oddly named Visual Capitalist. References and a map would be good, but we mustn’t…ahem…look a gift horse in the mouth.
Brainfood: Rice domestication, Roman wine, Dog domestication, Earth ovens, Forest orchards, Saffron origins
- The Fits and Starts of Indian Rice Domestication: How the Movement of Rice Across Northwest India Impacted Domestication Pathways and Agricultural Stories. While cultivation of (indica) rice in South Asia began in the Ganges around 6500 BC, its domestication really speeded up 3000 years later in the Indus.
- Archaeobotanical and chemical investigations on wine amphorae from San Felice Circeo (Italy) shed light on grape beverages at the Roman time. In the second century BC the ancient Romans may have traded a medicinal wine made from wild or semi-domesticated grapevines. I wonder how it would have gone with a nice risotto.
- Grey wolf genomic history reveals a dual ancestry of dogs. Either dogs were domesticated independently in E and W Eurasia and then the two lineages merged, or they were domesticated in the E and then there was geneflow from wild dogs. Sounds a bit like rice actually. ((No, really, check it out. Japonica gets domesticated in one place, then taken to another place where it gets into geneflow with indica, which is being domesticated elsewhere. Only difference is that 2 different wild species are involved, rather than just a single wild wolf species. Also maybe echoes of what happened in tomato too?))
- Bulbs and Biographies, Pine Nuts and Palimpsests: Exploring Plant Diversity and Earth Oven Reuse at a Late Period Plateau Site. For 2000 years Native Americans returned to specific food processing sites dug into the soil to cook up a storm. No word on the use of wild grapevines.
- Coupled archaeological and ecological analyses reveal ancient cultivation and land use in Nuchatlaht (Nuu-chah-nulth) territories, Pacific Northwest. Native Americans nurtured forest gardens to enrich them with edible species. Including wild apples though again not wild grapevines apparently.
- Ancient Artworks and Crocus Genetics Both Support Saffron’s Origin in Early Greece. Ok now everything is in place for a nice risotto alla Milanese with a Falanghina at the House of the Tragic Poet.