Nibbles: Quinoa, Chilean landraces, Planetary sculptors, Offal, Eels, Grand Challenges in Global Health, ILRI strategy, Artemisia, Monticello, Greek food, Barley, Rain

  • The commodisation of quinoa: the good and the bad. Ah, that pesky Law of Unintended Consequences, why can we not just repeal it?
  • No doubt there are some varieties of quinoa in Chile’s new catalog of traditional seeds. Yep, there are!
  • Well, such a catalog is all well and good, but “[o]ne of the greatest databases ever created is the collection of massively diverse food genomes that have domesticated us around the world. This collection represents generation after generation of open source biohacking by hobbyists, farmers and more recently proprietary biohacking by agronomists and biologists.”
  • What’s the genome of a spleen sandwich, I wonder?
  • And this “marine snow” food for eels sounds like biohacking to me, in spades.
  • But I think this is more what they had in mind. Grand Challenges in Global Health has awarded Explorations Grants, and some of them are in agriculture.
  • Wanna help ILRI with its biohacking? Well go on then.
  • Digging up ancient Chinese malarial biohacking.
  • Digging up Thomas Jefferson’s garden. Remember Pawnee corn? I suppose it’s all organic?
  • The Mediterranean diet used to be based on the acorn. Well I’m glad we biohacked away from that.
  • How barley copes with extreme day length at high latitudes. Here comes the freaky biohacking science.
  • Why working out what is the world’s rainiest place is not as easy as it sounds. But now that we know, surely there’s some biohacking to be done with the crops there?

Brainfood: Alfalfa, Date palm, Apricot, Collecting, Reintroduction, Ribes, Payments

Nibbles: Fungi, Pastoralism, Climate hoofprints, Ancient farmers, Pineberry, Yellow Rust, Rio+20