- Taiwan should establish a national seed bank. It says here. But will it be a genebank?
- Agroforestry in the USA and in the ancient Maya lands.
Nibbles: Cassava bad and good news, Soybean domestication, Bitter gourd, Drought, Agrobiodiversity job, Heirloom turkey, Eurisco, Artisanal wheat, MSB, Food culture
- FAO really very worried about cassava. Does it know that the CGIAR has the technology?
- In today’s “crop X domesticated earlier than usually thought” story, X = soybean.
- The Deccan Chronicle discovers the Bitter Gourd Project and likes what it sees.
- How to drought phenotype crops.
- The Christensen Fund has a position open for a Program Associate – Agrobiodiversity and Biocultural Landscapes. Damn, that sounds interesting.
- “But, miraculously, the Ghost Turkey survives.”
- Eurisco has a new website!
- Artisanal wheat on the rise. I love the quip in the caption.
- Vancouver ♥ Millennium Seed Bank, and fawns over faux royalty.
- Amaranth and pizza offer entreés to culture and politics.
Brainfood: Broomcorn millet, Domestication, Stand diversity, South African ornamentals, Rice wild relatives, Agriculture under climate change, Wheat domestication
- Genetic diversity and phylogeography of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) across Eurasia. One origin or two? Moving east or west? We still don’t know, but crop wild relatives may tell us.
- Next-generation sequencing for understanding and accelerating crop domestication. Those who understand history may be able to repeat it.
- Competition among loblolly pine trees: Does genetic variability of the trees in a stand matter? Can’t really say either way.
- The potential of South African indigenous plants for the international cut flower trade. Could do better.
- Genetic variability of banana with ornamental potential. The Embrapa Musa collection has some really cool-looking plants.
- Cytological Behavior of Hybridization Barriers Between Oryza sativa and Oryza officinalis. I guess that’s why they call it the tertiary genepool.
- Ancient lipids reveal continuity in culinary practices across the transition to agriculture in Northern Europe. Crap on 6000-year-old ceramic vessels shows people in the Western Baltic continued to eat fish and clams even after agriculture arrived. Well do you blame them?
- Options for support to agriculture and food security under climate change. Show ’em yer multi-pronged strategies, that’ll get their attention.
- N.I. Vavilov’s Theory of Centres of Diversity in the Light of Current Understanding of Wheat Diversity, Domestication and Evolution. When genes flow from centre of origin, that centre will not coincide with centre of diversity.
Digging around for evidence of horse domestication
I could have sworn I had already blogged about the fascinating recent archaeological finds in Saudi Arabia which seem to have pushed the evidence of horse domestication back to 9000 years ago and to a somewhat different area. But if I did, I can’t find the post. Uzbekistan, yes. A genetic nibble from China, yes.
But nothing about the Al-Magar finds. No matter, though, because now horsetalk.co.nz has a great roundup not only of the Saudi findings, but also of those from different sites in Kazakhstan, complete with photos. Findings which may well lead to a slight change in the geographical reference in the following pithy summary of the genetic evidence that we also blogged about recently.
Horses were domesticated in a broad area across the Eurasian steppe, and in this species the husbandry style has left considerable signatures. It is presumed that mares were domesticated numerous times, but that only a few stallions contributed to the genetic make-up of the domestic horse.
Nibbles: Gates, Small farmers, Romans in Britain, Ancient Americans, Chocolate, Talks, Climate change, Heirloom apples
- Bill Gates Accepts Hunger Award, Says Focus on Poor Farmers “More Important Than Ever“. Go Bill!
- Small farmer in Mozambique doing well by doing good.
- Ancient Romans drank in South Tyneside. What else was there to do?
- Ancient Americans moved down the coast. That’s where the food was.
- Rewarding excellent chocolate from smallholder farmers.
- Food & Communication: Recipes for Development. IFPRI plays TED on Thursday.
- Climate change adaptation and mitigation: just do it! A. Jarvis comes out storming.
- West African farmers ‘already adapting to climate change’. A. Jarvis picks up his ball and goes home.
- Desperately seeking heirloom apples in Idaho.