Nibbles: Chickpea, Rice, Potato, Open seeds, Ipomoea, Cider apples, Functional foods, Colombian seeds, Meaty diets, Coffee ritual

  1. Chickpea breeding in the news, if you can believe it.
  2. Somehow rice breeding in the news is easier to believe.
  3. Or potato breeding, for that matter.
  4. The case for public ownership of seed. Now, that would be news.
  5. I doubt that changing the sweet potato’s scientific name will ever be news.
  6. Michigan’s cider lovers round up their favourite apples.
  7. Visualization on how to make functional foods sustainable.
  8. A Colombian (seed) exchange.
  9. People have always eaten meat. Sure, but so what?
  10. Anyone for coffee?

Nibbles: Benchmarking, Unintended consequences, Kenyan seeds, WFP, China genebank, Evolutionary plant breeding, Citrus, Maize, Lotus silk, Azolla, Spanish genebank

  1. How committed are 350 food companies to food system transformation? Well, take a wild guess…
  2. Mind you, transformation is tricky.
  3. A climate-smart seed system for Kenya? Would be transformative for sure.
  4. Great that WFP got the Nobel Peace Prize, but they’re only part of the food system picture.
  5. Another part is genebanks, as China recognizes.
  6. One way to use all that material in genebanks is through evolutionary plant breeding.
  7. Citrus: How it started. How it’s going. Meme alert.
  8. Maize was taken back to Mexico from South America in ancient times. And those early farmers really knew how to process it for maximum benefit, something we’re forgetting.
  9. A deep dive into lotus silk.
  10. An even deeper dive into Azolla-covered paddies.
  11. Esteban Hernández of the Andalusian genebank gets his 15 minutes.

Brainfood: Behaviour change, Banana evolution, Clonal conservation, Pea evolution, Fe fortification, Diet data, Cassava potential, Creole breeds, Water buffalo evolution, Bison and CWR

Brainfood: COVID & seeds, Livestock integration, Farm diversity, Diet diversity, Genetic diversity, Cassava landraces, Wild coffee, Variety registration, Kava kastom, Neolithic Europe

Brainfood: WCR, Parasites, Wild tomato, Wild olive, MAGIC, ART cooking, Payments for conservation, ICARDA barley, Canary barley, Enset, Mexican relicts, Data management, Bumblebee map