The wheat in Spain grows all over

The researchers were also able to group Spaniards into five genetic clusters. On a map, these groups form five strips running north to south. Those strips line up neatly with history.

I wonder if you’d get a similar pattern looking at crops, say wheat. There’s lots of material in genebanks to play around with.

LATER: Thanks to David Marshall for pointing out that work has been done on barley.

It just needs someone to compare the patterns now. And repeat for other crops.

Brainfood: Forage seeds, Meat is murder, Medieval farming, Bean breeding, Moth bean genomics, Red List definitions, Amaranth domestication, Seed networks, Local adaptation, Social norms, Food demand, Grasspea future, Strawberry evolution, Maracuoccio

Nibbles: Homeric food, Two atlases, Cacao breeding, Smart foods, Lancet/EAT, Wild grapes, Landrace maize, Training breeders, Apios, Sustainable use, Cost of nutrition