Brainfood: SE Asia archaeobotany, Avocado cryo, Farm diversity & revenue, DOC cheese, Kenyan agrobiodiversity, Perennial pigeonpea, Algerian sheep diversity, Basil rankings, Wild sunflower

Nibbles: Turkish seeds, KBA, Wild ginger, ICARDA, AGRA, Weird agrobiodiversity, Coffee journey

  • Ancient seeds put on life support. Not holding my breath.
  • Key Biodiversity Areas to be mapped. Agrobiodiversity also? Not holding my breath.
  • Botany on reality TV? Not holding my breath. No, wait
  • More on the ICARDA story. Holding my breath.
  • Kofi Annan on that “uniquely African Green Revolution.” Not holding my breath, but here’s the latest report on how AGRA is doing. Oh, and there’s more on Africa, from IFPRI this time.
  • A caterpillar on the Silk Road. Now, that I’d like to see.
  • But not before coffee.