- Spinifex fibres for ultra-thin condoms, with indigenous approval.
- Piper borbonense getting its 15 minutes.
- Cook Islands shares taros with Samoa. Fingers crossed they’re TLB resistant.
- A couple of videos you may only be able to get on Facebook, or at least I can’t find other sources: Ethiopian coffee ceremony, and INRA/CIRAD’s banana and yam collections in Guadeloupe.
- Speaking of coffee, drink it while you can. And yes, it’s China’s fault.
- The cucumber in England through the ages.
- Gourmet maize in Oaxaca right now.
- All kinds of gourmet food in Peru right now too.
- Ok, ok, a Filipina chef on gourmet heirloom rice too.
Nibbles: Wild tomatoes, Wild Allium, Early burials, Organic carrots
- “By fitting gold wires to the back of individual whitefly and measuring the electro-chemical signals as they fed on the plant sap, the team found the insects spent more time ‘roaming’ and less time feeding on the wild varieties than those which settled on the commercial plants.”
- New Iraqi plants includes onion wild relative.
- Early farmers couldn’t stop fiddling with the bones of their dead.
- “That message has come through clearly. Flavor is a priority because if people don’t want to eat carrots, they’re not going to buy them.”
Nibbles: Poleward migration, Pulse infographic, Vodka, Ancient horse DNA, Old fish, Certified cacao, On farm book, Coarse millets, Banana diversity, Pearl millet demo
- Species flying poleward.
- FAO unveils pulse infographic. No word on whether any are harvestable by machine.
- Potato farmer adds value the old-fashioned way.
- Talking of old, here’s a really old horse.
- And the oldest evidence of fermentation for food preservation. But you’ll need a strong stomach.
- KitKat is certified crap.
- How (and Why) Farmers Maintain Crop Diversity: The Book. Some reviews.
- And here’s a specific example from India.
- And here, courtesy of Bioversity’s Ann Tutwiler, is why farmers need some help sometimes.
- Oh and here’s another one. People visit ICRISAT genebank in Niger, see stuff they like.
Nibbles: Pharaonic bull, Moving the cheese, Popping the corn, Persian food double, Sweet potato galore
- Cattle in ancient Egypt.
- Because yesterday was National Cheese Day and we missed it.
- The protein to which we owe cheese.
- The anatomy of popcorn.
- Pat Heslop-Harrison interviewed on Iranian saffron.
- And more Persian foodstuffs.
- Orange sweet potato going wide in Mozambique. And where it came from.
Mapping the Neolithic Revolution
Somehow we missed this great map of the Fertile Crescent from National Geographic. It came out just before Christmas, but we should have caught it, really. I hope they do similar ones for other cradles of agriculture around the world.